No longer active!

I'm so sorry to let everyone know this, but as of 24th February 2024, The Planets Bend Between us Fanlisting Collective is no more :( I've been creating fanlistings since around 2006/07 - I was a teenager then! Times and priorities have changed and it's time for me to let this all go. It's been great fun and I will look back over my TFL Network days fondly!

What about your closed fanlistings?

Guess what! I saved all the .sql files associated with my closed fanlistings. If there is a fanlisting on the list that you would like to run, please get in touch with me and I can send you through the .sql file. I also may have codes/buttons saved if you would like those too. Some of my fanlistings had over 500 members, it would be a shame to let it go to waste.

Adopted Fanlistings

Please visit their new locations!